
Never Miss a Sip

Margaret's WSET Study - Grape Charts

It all started with my own WSET Studies for my D3 exam. We had to learn so many grape varieties that I thought, how on earth am I going to get all those varieties stuck in my head, with all their necessary properties of need to know information. In total we needed to know over 150 varietals, that were most prevalent in our study materials.

So, I created 'grape charts' and started skimming my syllables for all the varietals, and adding information per card, per varietal each time, I came across the same varietal in another country. This lead to a hugh part of my Instagram posts, and to the below blog page, where I obviously added more information than we need to know for our studies.

This method worked quite well for me to be honest. I almost fall asleep dreaming about soft, juicy, ripe grapes. Enjoy the read below.

On the picture on the side, you see me standing in a vineyard of Muscat de Frontignan, in South Africa at Groot Constantia, where they left the grapes hanging to be late harvest or even slightly botrytized grapes.
